January 10, 2014

Politicians Equal Corrupt

Does anyone doubt
What a politician is about
Abuse of power
Sit perched on their tower
But when they get caught
They do what their taught
Blame everyone but I
Asking why God why
For if they had known
What they reaped was sewn
In their persistence to the top
They kept pushing that rock
But what goes up
Can fill their cup
With the lies they tell
Pretending to wish us well
Conspiring to really hurt
Putting all of humanity in dirt
Does anyone believe
Or is it hard to conceive
That a politician is just
That he fights when he must
Or she gives her last crust
Maybe this poem is a bust
But I have no doubts
That I know what a politician is about
Greed, ego and fear
Get elected every year
And who is to blame
The weak, willing, and insane
Making democracy a game

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